Hi!!! We are proud to pronounce our web site.... www.all4movies.com and www.all4movies.com/wicket

Basic idea that we sitick to is to enable web users that on one site find all posible things that are nidead to find move, download them, find subtitles....

This blog will be used to describe all site functionality and to add all things that are added to site..

1. Site where you can find all new movies, and all old movies. Currently we have 4746 movies. For each movie we have movie basic data, Genre, Language,Duration, Directors, Producers and Writers, also there is 4 best you tube trailers for movies. Search engine that will find movie according to every possible criteria.....

2. Second thing is online movie catalog (only for registered users) , it is option where you can use this site instead of using Movie Collector software or Ant movie catalog, from now using www.all4movies.com you can keep you movie catalog available online.

3. Find subtitles, srt, sub an txt for all movie.

4. We monitor all best torrent sites and find best possible torrent for you.